Borrowing a tradition from TG, we have released
a video streaming goodiebag from FOSDEM 2014. In short, it contains all the
scripts we used for the streaming part (nothing from the video team itself,
although I believe of most of what they do is developed out in the open).
If you've read my earlier posts on the subject, you'll know that it's all
incredibly rough, and we haven't cleaned it up much afterwards. So you get
the truth, but it might not be pretty :-) However, feedback is of course
You can find it at;
it's only 9 kB large. Enjoy!
Wow, what a ride that was. :-)
I'm not sure if people generally are aware of it, but the video streaming
at FOSDEM this year came together on extremely short notice. I got word
late Wednesday that the video team was overworked and would not have the
manpower to worry about streaming, and consequently, that there would be
none (probably not even of the main talks, like last year).
I quickly conferred with Berge on IRC; we both agreed that something
as big as FOSDEM shouldn't be without at least rudimentary streams. Could we
do something about it? After all, all devrooms (save for some that would not
due to licensing issues) would be recorded using DVswitch anyway, where it's
trivial to just connect another sink to the master, and we both had extensive
experience doing streaming work from The Gathering.
So, we agreed to do a stunt project; either it would work or it would crash
and burn, but at least it would be within the playful spirit of free software.
The world outside does not stand still, and neither should we.
The FOSDEM team agreed to give us access to the streams, and let us use the
otherwise unused cycles on the “slave” laptops (the ones that just take in
a DV switch from the camera and send it to the master for mixing).
Since I work at Google, I was able to talk to the Google Compute Engine people,
who were able to turn around on extremely short notice and sponsor GCE resources
for the actual video distribution. This took a huge unknown out of the
equation for us; since GCE is worldwide and scalable, we'd be sure to have
adequate bandwidth for serving our viewers almost no matter how much load we got.
The rest was mainly piecing together existing components in new ways. I dealt
with the encoding (on VLC, using WebM, since that's what FOSDEM
wanted), hitting one or two really obscure bugs in the process, and
Berge dealt with all the setup of distribution (we used cubemap,
which had already been tuned for the rather unique needs of WebM during last
Debconf), parsing the FOSDEM schedule to provide live program information,
and so on. Being a team of two was near-ideal here; we already know each other
extremely well from previous work, and despite the frantic pace, everything
felt really relaxed and calm.
So, less than 72 hours after the initial “go”, the streaming laptops started
coming up in the various devrooms, and I rsynced over my encoding chroot
to each of them and fired up VLC, which then cubemap would pick up and send
on. And amazingly enough, it worked! We had a peak of about 380 viewers,
which is about 80% more than the peak of 212 last year (and this was with
almost no announcement before the conference). Amusingly, the most popular
stream by far was not a main track, but that of the Go devroom; at times,
they had over half the total viewers. (I never got to visit it myself, because
it was super-packed every time I went there.)
I won't pretend everything went perfect—we found a cubemap segfault
on the way, and also some other issues (such as initially not properly
restarting the encoding when the DVswitch master went down and up again).
But I'm extremely happy that the video team believed in us and gave us
the chance; it was fun, it was the perfect icebreaker when meeting new
people at FOSDEM, and hopefully, we let quite a few people sitting at home
learn something new or interesting.
Oh, and not the least, it made my own talk get streamed. :-)